Field and Flight Rules
January 2023
Model operations shall be in accordance with the Academy of Model Aeronautics National Safety Code
Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult and strictly supervised at all times.
All model flight operations standard operating proceedures:
Pilots shall observe “No Fly Zones” as indicated on the site map in the kiosk.
Do not intentionally fly any model beyond the tree line to the west. (left side of field, toward the radio tower)
Do not intentionally fly over, near, or beyond the south perimeter of the field (Behind flight station area).
Fly from designated pilot stations marked by white circles on the field. (see map in kiosk)
First-Person-View Operations shall be in accordance with AMA guidelines and utilize a spotter.
Takeoffs and landings will be into the prevailing wind. Landings and takeoffs are left-to-right if there is no wind.
Initial turn following takeoff shall be away from pilots and spectators (turn to the North, away from the flight line).
Sharing Air Space: Fixed-wing aircraft have priority unless those flying specifically yield airspace to helis or multi-rotors. Modelers take turns flying in an agreeable way. No more than five (5) models in the air at the same time.
Pilots shall request a slot to fly alone or with a group for special operation activities (e.g. combat).
Limit individual flights to a maximum of 10 minutes unless a longer duration is agreed between others wishing to fly.
When landing please yell out “Landing Left to Right (or Right to Left)” so that other pilots can give you a clear landing.
When walking to retrieve a landed aircraft, yell out, "ON Field" so other pilots nearby are aware and can acknowledge your actions.
In the event of an aircraft crash in the runway area while planes are in the air, you need to wait until all aircraft are on the ground before you attempt to recover the crashed aircraft.
Spectators should stand behind and no closer than 25 feet to any pilot operating an aircraft until the aircraft is landed and the pilot indicates it is OK to approach.
All models shall have “Throttle Cut” or similar inhibit function and “Fail Safe” programmed for each aircraft flown. The Safety Officer or his designee(s) have the authority to ask a pilot to demonstrate his/her “Throttle Cut” and/or “Fail Safe” operation.
The Skyhawks Safety Officer has the authority to adjust the “Field and Flight Rules” as needed with approval of the Skyhawks Officers.
Important contacts:
Parks and Recreation: (919) 557-2496
Police and Fire: (919) 552-7110
Your location: 2401 Grigsby Ave. Holly Springs, NC