Getting Started in Radio Control (RC)
Talk to us - FIRST!
We have a lot of experience and can help you make the best decision with regard to aircraft and equipment!!
IMPORTANT: If you are planning to fly a model aircraft weighing more than 250 grams, then you are required by Federal Law to complete the following two steps prior to flying the aircraft:
Register as a recreational pilot operator with the FAA: FAA Registration
Complete a TRUST certification exam (simple, easy, online) and SAVE your certificate of proof of completion: TRUST - The Recreational UAS Safety Test
Question: What beginner aircraft do you recommend?
Answer: The answer depends on your goals and budget. What is your budget? How committed are you to learning the skill to SOLO an RC aircraft. SOLO means you can take off and land unassisted and do so with reasonable assurance your flight will not result in a crash.
Our recommendations:
Sport Cub S 2 RTF with SAFE FANTASTIC budget friendly choice. A terrific first aircraft to try out the hobby. 4-channel controls (throttle, elevator, rudder, ailerons). Small size/weight, easy to store/transport, inexpensive batteries, easy to repair, inexpensive replacement parts. Needs a relatively calm day (<5mph wind) for best flight experience. Buddy box flight instruction is not practical with this model however, this aircraft is ideal for folks who want limited assistance and aren't afraid to try flying on their own. Many folks self train with this aircraft.
AeroScout S 2 1.1m RTF Basic with SAFE - BEST full size trainer value. Cool looking aircraft with all the latest technology to make learning to fly easy and enjoyable. Uses the popular 2200 mAh battery size. Fully aerobatic in expert flight mode. Solid choice.
Apprentice S 2 1.2m RTF Basic with SAFE - A great choice and smaller size makes this aircraft easy to store and transport. Classic lines. Uses the economical 1300 mAh size batteries. Fully aerobatic in the expert flight mode.
Apprentice STS 1.5m RTF Basic Smart Trainer with SAFE - The gold standard of trainer planes. Extremely stable and almost glider like flying characteristics. Fantastic flight control integration to assist beginner pilots. We use this aircraft as a club trainer and we LOVE it!
Question: Can I learn on my own or do I have to have someone teach me?
Answer: Yes but be prepared to crash and/or lose your plane in a tree. We see this happen all the time. That is why we strongly recommend you contact us to provide at least one session of flight instruction. There are more details regarding how we provide instruction here. Always put your contact information on your plane so you can be contacted if it is lost and recovered.
Question: What RC flight simulator do you recommend?
Answer: The only one we recommend is RealFlight Evolution RC Flight Simulator with InterLink DX Controller.