Holly Springs Skyhawks
An AMA Gold Leader Club
Congratulations to Garrison - 2024 Skyhawk of the Year!
visitors are welcome
Welcome to the Holly Springs Skyhawks Radio Control Group! We are an ELECTRIC ONLY flying site and a GOLD Leader Club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Located within the Jefferson L. Sugg Farm at Bass Lake Park, we have a dedicated six-acre RC Flight field that is a FAA Recognized Identification Areas (FRIA). With this designation, you may fly at this site without needing remote identification equipment on your aircraft. The best time to catch club members flying are Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. You are NOT required to be a member of our club to enjoy use of the flight field. That said...
Federal law has changed significantly for the RC hobby in the last several years. The model you are planning to fly weighs more than 250 grams, then you are required to complete the following two steps prior to flying the aircraft:
Register as a recreational pilot operator with the FAA: FAA Registration
Complete a TRUST certification no fail exam and SAVE your certificate of proof of completion (screenshot saved to your phone will suffice: TRUST - The Recreational UAS Safety Test
All model flying at this site must be in accordance with the Academy of Model Aeronautics National Safety Code and in accordance with park rules posted in the kiosk at the flying site. All flying must be conducted line of sight.
Failure to comply with posted rules may result in removal from the park facility and/or denial of privileges to use the park. Please view the video linked below for orientation. We look forward to flying with you!
The Holly Springs Skyhawks Radio Control Group, Inc. is a registered non-profit corporation in the state of North Carolina and a chartered club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Our Club, founded in 2015, is organized and operated exclusively for pleasure and recreation and for the purpose of promoting Model Aviation as a hobby and worthwhile recreational activity in our community and to allow for socialization among its members. We do not discriminate in terms of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, or disability. The purpose of the Club is to provide members a forum to enjoy friendship among members and promote model aviation as a worthwhile recreational activity in the Holly Springs community. Through club activities and community outreach we support Meg’s Smile Foundation (www.megsmile.org) and the Holly Springs Parks and Recreation Department.